
We need your help

Together we can reduce suffering, reduce the demands on our healthcare system, and provide for those most in need. For the last decade my family has been assembling and distributing these helpful care bags weekly. This website is to provide a greater outreach, and to help you do the same in your community.

We have assembled the most needed, low cost, items. For easy shopping, all items are available through Amazon. We can even find deeper discounts on the most expensive items (e.g. wet wipes, socks, feminine hygiene, baby needs) through local wholesalers.

We need more product to make these care bags, and volunteers to help assemble and distribute them. Please use the Contact Us page to reach us.

Angel bag

This is a collection of the most requested needs, all within a heavy duty bag to collect trash. Each Angel bag includes about $30 worth of items but, since we shop in bulk, only cost us about $5. Angel bags account for over 90% of what we distribute.

Family bag

Feminine and baby hygiene are routinely neglected items, and this collection of items attempts to fill that void with these basic needs. Each bag is based on the recipient's specific needs.

Pet bag

Being homeless is dangerous and lonely. A dog can help, and may have been a family member prior to the financial or mental damage that led to living on the street. This is a collection of items to improve the safety, health and comfort of their canine companions. Each bag is based on the recipient's specific needs.